
Welcome to my page The Modern Feminist Project

Today's world is fast moving and unpredictable but the rule of humanity is still the same "treat everyone the same way you'd like to be treated" yet women in all corners are still unfairly treated or overlooked because of how society had previously described the role of a women I personally have been a victim of "but girls can't do that" or "girls shouldn't do that" or worst of all "a girl's place is in the kitchen". but without a doubt that's not how it should.

let's look at it this way, you're a human right? obviously you can do absolutely do anything you set your mind to doing. we live in a free world sweetheart!!! our great grandmothers & grandmothers fought and died so we could be not only be free but equal to every other human on this earth because we are human beings before we are categorized as either male or female.

My aim is to advocate for women's rights, fight for equality and to show that women are just as important as men are. I have this strong belief that some women not only underestimate their power but don't be understand that society would be at a stand still without us!

I have been called many things ranging from radical feminist to an angry woman but I'm cool with all of that I actually took them as compliments.


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